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Whittling Walking Sticks

by Peter Benson

WhittlingWalking Sticks introducesthe relaxing and traditional craft of whittling.  Explore making personalized walkingsticks with seasoned woodcarver, Peter Benson.

Intricately carved and infusedwith character, this charming collection of whittled stick toppers isperfect for would-be whittlers and those with some whittling experience whowish to hone their skills. 

Decorative yet useful, these whittled walking sticks makewonderful gifts for nature lovers and are a great introduction to thedelightful and enjoyable craft of whittling. 

  • 10 charming animal heads to carve including fox, eagle, kingfisher dog, cheetah and frog
  • Projects suit all abilities
  • Basic tools, techniques and safety considerations clearly explained
  • Fully illustrated Step-by-step instructions 

pre-order available




11 Jun 2024




GMC Distribution



WhittlingWalking Sticks introducesthe relaxing and traditional craft of whittling.  Explore making personalized walkingsticks with seasoned woodcarver, Peter Benson.

Intricately carved and infusedwith character, this charming collection of whittled stick toppers isperfect for would-be whittlers and those with some whittling experience whowish to hone their skills. 

Decorative yet useful, these whittled walking sticks makewonderful gifts for nature lovers and are a great introduction to thedelightful and enjoyable craft of whittling. 

  • 10 charming animal heads to carve including fox, eagle, kingfisher dog, cheetah and frog
  • Projects suit all abilities
  • Basic tools, techniques and safety considerations clearly explained
  • Fully illustrated Step-by-step instructions 