Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers

For book lovers, our gift vouchers and book tokens are the perfect present, available for purchase and usable both online or in-store at our bookshops.

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Unity Books E-vouchers

Purchasing a digital book token allows for a hassle-free shopping experience from the comfort of your own home. Recipients can use the token at checkout to easily subtract the token value from their order total, making for a seamless and instant way to receive or give the gift of literature.

Unity Book E-Voucher

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Unity Gift Vouchers

Looking for the perfect gift for the bookworm in your life? Purchase one of our in-store book tokens, available for redemption at both our Auckland and Wellington locations. Enjoy the added bonus of browsing our full range of stock and selecting the perfect read for your recipient.

Unity Voucher (Physical)


Bookseller Tokens

Whether you're shopping for a book lover of any age or looking for a way to support your local bookshops, Booksellers Tokens are the perfect solution. As New Zealand's only national book vouchers, they can be redeemed at over 350 bookshops throughout the country, giving the recipient a wide range of options to choose from. From bestsellers to hidden gems, the versatility of Booksellers Tokens ensures that the perfect read is always within reach.

Purchase Bookseller Tokens