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Marlow's Dream : Joseph Conrad In Antipodean Ports

Joseph Conrad in Antipodean Ports

by Martin Edmond

Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) is a major figure in modern literature. Before his writing career was established in 1899 with the serialised publication of Heart of Darkness, Conrad was a merchant seafarer and eventually a shipmaster of vessels that regularly sailed between Europe and its antipodes, with several visits to Australia and New Zealand, stopping at numerous other ports along the way. In Marlow's Dream, Martin Edmond shows in vivid detail how Conrad both collected and began to arrange the tales that would later appear in his fiction during these voyages. Intertwining Conrad's biography with his own, Edmond masterfully demonstrates how Conrad's celebrated stories were lifted straight out of his experiences as an itinerant mariner who had spent countless days in antipodean ports between 1878-93.




1 Mar 2024




Index Press Inc.



Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) is a major figure in modern literature. Before his writing career was established in 1899 with the serialised publication of Heart of Darkness, Conrad was a merchant seafarer and eventually a shipmaster of vessels that regularly sailed between Europe and its antipodes, with several visits to Australia and New Zealand, stopping at numerous other ports along the way. In Marlow's Dream, Martin Edmond shows in vivid detail how Conrad both collected and began to arrange the tales that would later appear in his fiction during these voyages. Intertwining Conrad's biography with his own, Edmond masterfully demonstrates how Conrad's celebrated stories were lifted straight out of his experiences as an itinerant mariner who had spent countless days in antipodean ports between 1878-93.