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Japandi Style

When Japanese and Scandinavian Designs Blend

by Agata Toromanoff & Pierre Toromanoff

Japandi is the newest and hottest trend in interiors: aharmonious combination of functionality, comfort, and the minimalist look thatcharacterizes Scandinavian design, with the purest elegance of traditionalJapanese craftsmanship.


Japandi harmoniously blends Scandinavian hygge with wabi-sabi,a concept derived from Zen Buddhism that advocates peaceful sobriety andinvites us to admire the beauty hidden in slight imperfections in nature. Thisfirst major survey of Japandi style will introduce the reader to thefundamentals, and to iconic objects that will transform and interior into aJapandi-inspired retreat.


Chapter one of the book examines the converging principlesthat have contributed to the emergence of Japandi Style such as functionality,neutral colors, the importance of organic materials, and the thoughtfulsimplicity of shapes. Chapter two presents some of the most emblematic works ofJapandi Style, and the design studios behind them. Chapter three gives examplesof how to decorate and furnish rooms - the living room, dining room, bedroom,bathroom, winter garden, or home office - in Japandi Style.







18 Oct 2022




Merrell Publishers Limited



Japandi is the newest and hottest trend in interiors: aharmonious combination of functionality, comfort, and the minimalist look thatcharacterizes Scandinavian design, with the purest elegance of traditionalJapanese craftsmanship.


Japandi harmoniously blends Scandinavian hygge with wabi-sabi,a concept derived from Zen Buddhism that advocates peaceful sobriety andinvites us to admire the beauty hidden in slight imperfections in nature. Thisfirst major survey of Japandi style will introduce the reader to thefundamentals, and to iconic objects that will transform and interior into aJapandi-inspired retreat.


Chapter one of the book examines the converging principlesthat have contributed to the emergence of Japandi Style such as functionality,neutral colors, the importance of organic materials, and the thoughtfulsimplicity of shapes. Chapter two presents some of the most emblematic works ofJapandi Style, and the design studios behind them. Chapter three gives examplesof how to decorate and furnish rooms - the living room, dining room, bedroom,bathroom, winter garden, or home office - in Japandi Style.
