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Hole In My Heart

by Alan Marshall

I find that the simple yet profound truths of life that affect us all, are timeless and ageless. I wanted all ages to be able to pick this book up and read it through, but I especially had young people and children in mind when preparing and refining the content of this book.

The subject of loss and grief can be a complex one and often difficult to talk about whatever the age, but my hope is that the words and illustrations will give some expression to feelings and thoughts to help both young and old connect with a simple message through loss and hope.

This book is a small offering that focusses on one aspect of loss and is in no way meant to be a comprehensive guide on grieving, not that such a book exists. Dealing with loss and grief is a multi-layered process and effects everyone in different ways and at different times. Navigating one of the most certain but guarded subjects of life can be tricky.

The content for this book comes from my own experience of grief. Our 29 year son Andy was murdered while living in Perth in 2011, and the trauma of that event has altered our lives forever. There are never adequate words to gauge the depth of feeling and pain. However, the seed idea for this book and title ‘The hole in my Heart’ comes from attending the funeral of a friend and witnessing the young people and children present struggle to find words to express their feelings.

It was important to find simple but deep enough words to articulate such an important subject, and then to connect the narrative with illustrations that follow the process for the reader. Working with Carl Roberts as the illustrator I feel we have been able to achieve that.

This book is dedicated to all who have experienced the pain of loss. And to those who will. In some way and at some time, grief comes to us all, but hope is never lost.






I find that the simple yet profound truths of life that affect us all, are timeless and ageless. I wanted all ages to be able to pick this book up and read it through, but I especially had young people and children in mind when preparing and refining the content of this book.

The subject of loss and grief can be a complex one and often difficult to talk about whatever the age, but my hope is that the words and illustrations will give some expression to feelings and thoughts to help both young and old connect with a simple message through loss and hope.

This book is a small offering that focusses on one aspect of loss and is in no way meant to be a comprehensive guide on grieving, not that such a book exists. Dealing with loss and grief is a multi-layered process and effects everyone in different ways and at different times. Navigating one of the most certain but guarded subjects of life can be tricky.

The content for this book comes from my own experience of grief. Our 29 year son Andy was murdered while living in Perth in 2011, and the trauma of that event has altered our lives forever. There are never adequate words to gauge the depth of feeling and pain. However, the seed idea for this book and title ‘The hole in my Heart’ comes from attending the funeral of a friend and witnessing the young people and children present struggle to find words to express their feelings.

It was important to find simple but deep enough words to articulate such an important subject, and then to connect the narrative with illustrations that follow the process for the reader. Working with Carl Roberts as the illustrator I feel we have been able to achieve that.

This book is dedicated to all who have experienced the pain of loss. And to those who will. In some way and at some time, grief comes to us all, but hope is never lost.
