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Fry's Ties

by Stephen Fry

By the time he was fifteen, Stephen Fry owned more than forty ties. Inherited initially from a grandfather, matters turned more serious when he could afford to buy them brand spanking new.

Stephen's collection now numbers well into the hundreds. And each tie - whether floral, fluorescent, football themed; striped or spotty, outrageous or simply debonair - tells a story. A tale of the garment itself - the shops, makers and designers - as well as of Stephen, his reasons for choosing it, whether an occasion or just a whim.

Inspired by Stephen's hugely popular Instagram posts, this book will feature beautiful, hand-drawn illustrations and photographs to celebrate his expansive collection of man's greatest asset- the Tie, in all its sophisticated glory.

on order and arriving soon!




14 Dec 2021




Penguin Books, Limited


Michael Joseph



By the time he was fifteen, Stephen Fry owned more than forty ties. Inherited initially from a grandfather, matters turned more serious when he could afford to buy them brand spanking new.

Stephen's collection now numbers well into the hundreds. And each tie - whether floral, fluorescent, football themed; striped or spotty, outrageous or simply debonair - tells a story. A tale of the garment itself - the shops, makers and designers - as well as of Stephen, his reasons for choosing it, whether an occasion or just a whim.

Inspired by Stephen's hugely popular Instagram posts, this book will feature beautiful, hand-drawn illustrations and photographs to celebrate his expansive collection of man's greatest asset- the Tie, in all its sophisticated glory.