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Dear Moko

by Hinemoa Elder

Bestselling author of Arohaand respected Maori psychiatrist Dr Hinemoa Elder has written a special collection of whakataukī for tamariki mokopuna.

Puanga kai rau.
Puanga, the star signalling a time of the year with plenty of food.
New beginnings.
Dear Mokois written for all mokopuna, grandchildren, descendents. It is their very own book with stories from whakataukī and whakatauakī, our Maori proverbs.

A treasure-book revealing new secrets every time you read it.

Some stories will make you smile and laugh out loud.

Others invite you to think about difficulties you are facing in a different way.

These are timeless words to live by, life lessons to inspire, for generations to come.

Manaakitanga (love for each other), kaitiakitanga (respect for our planet), whanaungatanga (community and connectivity) and tino rangatiratanga (self-determination) bring to life our time-honoured values.

Dear Mokois destined to be embraced by every whanau.

With illustrations by Miriama Grace-Smith.

pre-order available




1 Oct 2024




Penguin Canada



Bestselling author of Arohaand respected Maori psychiatrist Dr Hinemoa Elder has written a special collection of whakataukī for tamariki mokopuna.

Puanga kai rau.
Puanga, the star signalling a time of the year with plenty of food.
New beginnings.

Dear Mokois written for all mokopuna, grandchildren, descendents. It is their very own book with stories from whakataukī and whakatauakī, our Maori proverbs.

A treasure-book revealing new secrets every time you read it.

Some stories will make you smile and laugh out loud.

Others invite you to think about difficulties you are facing in a different way.

These are timeless words to live by, life lessons to inspire, for generations to come.

Manaakitanga (love for each other), kaitiakitanga (respect for our planet), whanaungatanga (community and connectivity) and tino rangatiratanga (self-determination) bring to life our time-honoured values.

Dear Mokois destined to be embraced by every whanau.

With illustrations by Miriama Grace-Smith.