
Double Book Launch: Clay Eaters by Gregory Kan & over under fed by Amy Marguerite

Double Book Launch: Clay Eaters by Gregory Kan & over under fed by Amy Marguerite20 Mar - 6pm
Double Book Launch: Clay Eaters by Gregory Kan & over under fed by Amy Marguerite

About the event

Auckland University Press and Unity Books Wellington invite you to celebrate the double book launch of Clay Eaters by Gregory Kan and over under fed by Amy Marguerite.

Anna Jackson will be launching the books.

Gregory Kan is a writer and developer based in Pōneke/Wellington. His first collection of poetry, This Paper Boat, was shortlisted for the Ockham New Zealand Book Awards for poetry in 2017. Under Glass, his second collection, was longlisted for the award in 2020. He was the 2017 Grimshaw Sargeson Fellow.

Amy Marguerite is a poet and essayist based in Tāmaki Makaurau. She completed an MA with distinction in creative writing at the International Institute of Modern Letters in 2022. Her poetry has appeared in anthologies including Spoiled Fruit and white-hot heart and has featured in literary journals, magazines and publications including Starling, Turbine and Sweet Mammalian. Her essay on the new generation of Aotearoa poets appears in Auckland University Press’s forthcoming anthology Te Whāriki.

All welcome!

Buy: over under fed by Amy Marguerite

Buy: Clay Eaters by Gregory Kan

Thursday March 20th, 6pm
in-store at Unity Books Wellington
Double Book Launch: Clay Eaters by Gregory Kan & over under fed by Amy Marguerite

All welcome!
