

Think Like a Feminist The Philosophy Behind the Revolution


Think Like a Feminist The Philosophy Behind the Revolution

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SKU: 9781324020271 Category:

ISBN: 9781324020271
Title: Think Like a Feminist The Philosophy Behind the Revolution

This irreverent yet rigorous primer serves up an urgent, timely investigation into what it means to be a feminist today. Carol hay takes the reader from theoretical analyses of sex, gender, intersectionality, and oppression to the practicalities of talking to children, navigating consent, and fighting for space on public transit. Ferocious, insightful, and unapologetically opinionated, Think Like a Feminist is equal parts feminist starter kit and advanced refresher course, and the perfect book for anyone seeking to better understand the ideas behind one of the world's most influential social movements. Book jacket.

Format: Paperback
Price: $23.00

Additional information

Weight 153 g
Dimensions 18 × 11 × 2 mm