

Now When it Rains: A Writer’s Memoir


Now When it Rains: A Writer’s Memoir

SKU: 9780947493776 Categories: ,

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ISBN: 9780947493776
Title: Now When it Rains: A Writer's Memoir

Jeffrey Paparoa Holman examines a life lived over 70 years through rapid social changes and personal upheavals, from the 1950s to the 2000s, as he stumbles towards becoming the writer he believed he could be. Growing up on the West Coast in the shadow of his father's war and later imprisonment, he drops out of university and learns too much about drugs & alcohol while working as a shearer, bin-man and fisherman. Later in life he learns te reo and publishes groundbreaking history and memoir. This is a vital chronicle of our times; a frank and compelling insight into the writer's mind - and soul.

Format: Paperback
Price: $35.00