

Movie Posters The History of Cinema from the Origins to the Present


Movie Posters The History of Cinema from the Origins to the Present

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SKU: 9788854417175 Category:

ISBN: 9788854417175
Title: Movie Posters The History of Cinema from the Origins to the Present

A collection of posters featuring movies that have helped shape the history of world cinema.

This book focuses on some of the finest movie posters ever produced - some because of the originality of their design, others because of their success to draw attention and make a film seem unmissable. They were produced for films which exemplify significant stages in the history of world cinema. The book constitutes a schematic overview of that history stretching from the pioneering silent days to today's blockbuster franchise world.

Format: Hardback
Price: $90.00

Additional information

Weight 2 g
Dimensions 330 × 251 × 31 mm