

How to Raise an Antiracist


How to Raise an Antiracist

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SKU: 9781529197570 Category:

ISBN: 9781529197570
Title: How to Raise an Antiracist

How do we talk to our children about racism?

How do we teach children to be antiracist? How are kids at different ages experiencing race? How are racist structures impacting children? How can we inspire our children to avoid our mistakes, to be better, to make the world better?

These are the questions Ibram X. Kendi found himself avoiding as he anticipated the birth of his first child. Like most parents or parents-to-be, he felt the reflex to not talk to his child about racism, which he feared would stain her innocence and steal away her joy. But research into the scientific literature, his experiences as a father and reflections on his own difficult experiences as a student ultimately changed his mind.

In How to Raise an Antiracist Kendi shows that we must all participate in the effort to raise young people as antiracists.

Format: Paperback
Price: $35.00

Additional information

Dimensions 196 × 128 × 20 mm