

Tahua-roa, Korare Food for Your Visitors, Maori Green Vegetables: Their History & Tips on Their Use


Tahua-roa, Korare Food for Your Visitors, Maori Green Vegetables: Their History & Tips on Their Use

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ISBN: 9780473207366
Title: Tahua-roa, Korare Food for Your Visitors, Maori Green Vegetables: Their History & Tips on Their Use

The second booklet in a series aligned to Ma¯ori foods.
114 pages which introduce over 30 korare or Ma¯ori
green vegetables sourced from freshwater or coastal areas,
the forest or bush, as weeds in crops, or as crops. Each
korare is introduced including whakapapa references,
botanical status, utility and nutritional value where
possible. The book also includes recipes.

Format: Paperback
Price: $34.00